Straßenkinder e.V. continues its support for Berlin children in the corona crisis
Despite the corona crisis, children in Berlin’s Hellersdorf-Marzahn can count on the NGO Straßenkinder e.V. The volunteers offer digital initiatives to remain in contact with the children and support their progress in school. Video calls, digital challenges and mindcraft workshops are just a few examples. In addition, Straßenkinder e.V. distributed learning material, notebooks and internet sticks to families that did not have the proper technical equipment for home schooling.
The special engagement Straßenkinder e.V. has shown in the crisis has recently won the “Smart Hero Award”, a social media award of the foundation “Digitale Chancen und Facebook”. The award acknowledges projects that use social media for a good cause. The project that received the award was “Digital Coaching – In times of crises and beyond“. Straßenkinder e.V. will receive EUR 7,500.
Donata von Schenk, chairwoman of the foundation “daheim im Leben”, said in the laudation: “Straßenkinder e.V. offers a well structured online programme for support and assistance, that should remain an integral part of the association’s work. […] No child should be forgotten in this affluent society.”