The Courage Award goes to Jenny Rasche – Kinderhilfe für Siebenbürgen e.V.

“We should use your humanity as an example”

For almost 20 years, Jenny Rasche has been working for Roma-kids in Transylvania, Romania. For her commitment, she was honored with the 2024 Radebeuler Courage Award, endowed with 5.000 euro. “I bow to you. What you do, you do with all of your heart. You and your team are supporting Roma-people, who are severely discriminated against because of their origin”, Romani Rose, Chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, stated. He thanked Rasche for her unfailing work in places, where living conditions are highly unfavorable– in Roma-Slums – “We should use your humanity as an example”.

In 2007, 23-year-old Jenny Rasche detected a Roma-slum while traveling Romania. She was shocked – she had never seen such poverty before. The children have been neglected and often were victims of violence and sexual abuse, living in ruins, tin shacks and earth holes.

Back home she launched the aid organization “Verein Rumänien Kinderhilfe für Siebenbürgen e.V.” and ever since then has been collecting money and donations. Today, a team of 40 people is working on supporting about 25000 children living in 30 slums and operating six orphanages in Sibu.

As education is the key to a better life, Jenny had set only one condition: ”If you send your children to school and not to the street begging, you will receive food!”.

In 2015, the first beneficiaries graduated from school. They now show their parents how a good structure enhances life. They are cleaning up the settlement, building solid houses and providing their communities with electricity, water and access to wastewater treatment.

The charity has been brought to the attention of Hahn Air Foundation by Renate Weber, an employee of Hahnair. Hence, throughout the last years, Hahnair Foundation has supported schools and orphanages in Romania and is promoting the construction of houses in Turnisor, a Roma settlement. Hahnair Foundation’s financial help is highly welcome and furthermore badly needed.

Jenny Rasche, who together with her family lives in Transylvania, during the award ceremony states: “During some days, everyday racism makes me despair. Receiving this award today is giving me the strength I need to carry on.”

The documentary „Jenny und die Roma-Kinder“ is available in the “ARD-Mediathek”: