Siliga Primary School
Initiated by Action Against Disasters Somalia (AADSOM), Hahn Air is supporting the reconstruction and expansion of a primary school in Puntland State of Somalia. Part of the project includes rebuilding parts of the old school through replacing the damaged roof, floors, ceilings and walls. Another step will be the construction of an additional classroom to allow for more space in the formerly overcrowded lecture rooms and to accommodate more students. In total, the new school will be equipped with three classrooms, one administration office, bathroom facilities and upgraded water supply.
The school will educate 350 students of 7 to 14 years of age. AADSOM will establish a Community Education Committee selected from the students’ parents who will manage the school together with the school management team. This project will also benefit the school staff consisting of eight teachers, one headmaster, two security staff and one cleaner.
Somalia is one of the poorest countries in the world. Conflict, droughts and floods have forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes in 2021 and 2022, among them an estimated 40% of school-aged children. The region is lacking proper learning facilities as well as a safe access to water and sanitary facilities.
Please support our project in Somalia and place a donation here. Every cent will directly benefit the school and children.